Blood pressure, not a subtle thing to ignore

Blood pressure, not a subtle thing to ignore
Blood pressure, not a subtle thing to ignore

Blood pressure, not a subtle thing to ignore: Blood pressure is prevalent across the globe. The research said that one in 6 people does have high blood pressure. But the sad part is people ignore it without knowing the implications. Long term negligence of blood pressure leads to stroke, heart attack, and heart-related ailments.

High blood pressure means a person's condition of pressure is high consistently for a long time. The heart has to pump the blood hard throughout the body. The blood vessels lose its elasticity leading to tightened vessels and in turn, force heart to extra effort to pump the blood throughout the body. It is very easy to ignore the blood pressure as it does not carry any symptoms. Poor diet pattern is the major cause of BP.

Nevertheless, a simple diet changing or enhancing with chia seeds will regulate the flow. Chia seeds are black seeds, which are a staple and a portion of important food for Aztecs and Mayans. Chia means strong. Sprinkling chia seeds on your breakfast will help to regulate the condition.

28 grams of chia seeds contain 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and 18% of RDI calcium. Chia seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which strengthens bone density and gives essential nutrients. These are small blacks which taste bland and can be added to any breakfast. Could be sprinkled on fruits, yogurt or milk and consume.

Also, chia seeds are rich in antioxidants which fight the production of free radicals, which cause aging and cancer. Hence it is considered the best remedy to prevent blood pressure.

Blood pressure, not a subtle thing to ignore

New Zealand research stated one in 6 are affected with Blood Pressure. Britain said one in four are with Blood Pressure. India's food habits and lifestyle will invite blood pressure, and we should be ready to accept the alarming figure if we provide free checkups like in other countries. Remedies can just be spelt but internalizing the same can be done only by individuals.